Thursday, 21 November 2013

I Am Miss America!

I am Miss America!

...Or at least that's what they call me anyway.

The second week I was here, Gilles and Mariette took me to kind of an outdoor market of sorts among friends. About 15 farmer friends gather and buy each others vegetables and bread and cheese. Since my family mostly eats only fresh/organic foods, they frequent this almost weekly. It also doubles as an open bar. Like everywhere in France, there is so much alcohol. Anyway, the second week I was here, they introduced me to the people at this little gathering. I was shy, stuck close to Mariette or les enfants and barely spoke a word, and definitely did not speak unless spoken to.

This week marks my 6th week in France. As I revisited this gathering, I found my experience was quite different. Jean-Luc, the "Chef" of this market, remembered me right as I walked in with Mariette, but he didn't remember my name.

"Miss America! Viens ici!"

 I smiled, greeted him with a kiss on both cheeks and asked how he was doing. After pleasantries he guided me over to the snack table, and started dishing me out a bowl of, ironically enough, French Onion Soup. I happily announced to the crowd what we call it. In french its just onion soup haha.

From then on, I was Miss America, and I let them call me that because I thought it was funny. As a side note, I've noticed that the French love the name Abigail. All the time I am getting complimented on it and they way they pronounce it with their accent makes it sound really beautiful. Thanks, Mom, you did good.

I felt very french tonight. I carried on conversations with multiple of people lasting several minutes. A few even mentioned how well I spoke french. I am continually amazed at the beauty of language. French isn't my mother tongue, and yet I can communicate with people who have spoken it their whole life. I can talk with les enfants and play imaginary games with them. I don't know, I can't quite put it into words yet, but I'll keep working on it. One day I'll be able to accurately describe how cool I think language is.

It has been snowing as of late! I wake up in the morning and the sky is gray and there is snow piled on top of the cars. Not much, but it's there. Usually it rains in the afternoon and washes it all away. Hurrah for no car, it's time to break out the boots, gloves, hat, earmuffs and snow jacket because I have to walk everywhere! Brr

We've been staying indoors the past couple of days. One day we tried our hand at origami. It turned out pretty well. We made elephants and little Picachu's. Pokemon is still popular here, I'm pretty sure that faded out in the US a long time ago. I still remember my 500+ cards though...Memories. Today we played Hot and Cold. One person hides and object while the other searches for it and if they get close you shout "HOT" and if they are not close to the hidden object you shout "COLD". It was a good way for les enfants to learn some more vocabulary. I have to work on Jonas though, he is stubborn and thinks English is "nul" (useless). 

  Well that's all for now.  :)  Love, Miss America.

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