Saturday, 9 November 2013

In Military News

Congratulations to my dear sweet best friend. Yesterday he graduated Basic Training for the US Army. I couldn't be more proud.

After 74 days of nothing but rigorous training, long nights and early mornings and a lot of "DS BS" as he calls it, (Drill Sergeant bull sh*t - (pardon) - ), Connor is now one of the newest soldiers in the US Army! Doesn't he look great??

It was a tough two months for both him and me, but we made it through and have been texting as much as possible ever since. We have so much to catch up on.

I am so proud of Connor and all that he has accomplished. As I type this, he is on a bus on his way to Ft Sam Houston for 52 weeks of training to earn his MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) which is 68 Kilo, Medical Laboratory Specialist. Unfortunately for me, he is so dang smart that he scored a 95 on his ASVAB and chose the MOS with the second to longest training time. But, that aside, I know he is going to be learning so much that will put him on track to Med school and on to his dream of becoming a doctor.

Phase one complete (as we call it), onto phase two: AIT



On another Military note, My best friend got engaged to her boyfriend in the Marines. Just thought I would add my congrats the them as well and express how happy and excited I am for them! I love you Harmony!!


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