Sunday, 23 March 2014

Au Ski!

The second week of Les Vacance was a week of skiing. A. Whole. Week. Now, I've been once or twice before, and let me tell you: I was scared. This family sounded like a bunch of pros they way they talked about their past skiing vacations. I was worried that I was going to hold them back and make myself look like a fool. 4-5 times down the bunny slope, that's all the experience I've had.

We started skiing on Sunday and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought. Gilles stayed with me and was very patient with me. He was a good teacher too, even though it was all in French. I don't exactly know what virage and plie mean in English, but after a while I learned that this word means do this. That being said, I only fell a couple dozen times. We skiied from 9-12, went home for lunch and then went back out from 2-5 to do some more skiing. I knew from day one I was going to get so tired of this!

Day two was much the same. Little background info, I broke/cracked my knee a few years ago and I am convinced it never healed right. Every time I do some strenuous activity, it acts up and gives me a hard time. I learned the second day that going out skiing twice a day was not something my knee agreed with. Thankfully, they understood and I got to stay in for the afternoon. After that, it became clear that skiing was not obligatory :P For the rest of the week I went skiing when I wanted and stayed in when I wanted. I am proud to let you know that I went skiing four out of five of the days!

By day three I was already going down the red slopes (not a good idea) which yes, I did not like. I decided I prefer the easier slopes so I can just slide down at my own pace and just have fun. I also really liked the ski lifts. Those were peaceful and a good break from all the activity I was doing.



"Not to touch and up" Yes, that makes sense. (that was directly translated from French to English, probably by google) 
Then, Thursday night we went out to dinner. I had been looking forward to this all week because we were going to eat Raclette, which is one of my favorite dishes in the world! It's potatoes with melted cheese and ham. YUMMMM!! I ate SO much I actually still felt stuffed the morning after. It was so delish though. I even want one of those raclette machines to take home with me to keep making it in America. Sigh, just so yummy....
Oh yeah, and then we stopped by a farm and saw how goat cheese was made. The sigh said we could pick the baby ones up, so why not?

So overall it was a fabulous week! I loved being away for a time and just had a lot of fun. After a full week of skiing I can definitely say that it is not my favorite pastime, but at least I can say that I know how to ski. Plus I went skiing in the French Alps, at least that's super cool :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha I LOVE Marriette's face when she's holding the goat!
